Ed Snyder
/photography portfolio

"Art is not optional ... it is necessary." - Nathan Sawaya ("Art of the Brick" LEGO artist)
So many artists have left the world a better place just for being there. Why? Why do we appreciate art to the extent that we do? When someone makes "good art" (as writer Neil Gaiman calls it), that artist puts something personal into the creation, something unique. Others pick up on that. They want to perhaps experience the artist's emotions vicariously through the work. I honesty do not know why I make the images that I do, other than the fact that they please me. Why does art matter? It lets us play. Creating is a form of play. I use all sorts of cameras - digital, film, and plastic toy cameras. Various formats and processing techniques provide a myriad of choices for creating unique images that can be both evocative and provocative. This can be so much fun that I often feel guilty when I'm making photographs, as if I'm getting away with something. I like my work, and am humbled when I see that others like it too. It makes me feel like I have more to offer the world than simply procreating.
Why Own Art?
One reason is to get something that matches your sofa. Another reason is because the image speaks to you. I have been fortunate in that many of the images I've exhibited in galleries have meant enough to people that they were willing to part with their hard-earned money to acquire one. I truly appreciate that. What I was not prepared for, particularly with my cemetery photography, was people telling me why they made their particular purchase. It would take your breath away to hear these stories.
I make art for myself - the fact that others find meaning in my work makes the process of creating it that much more enjoyable. I was quite flattered, for example, when Andy Warhol's niece purchased a print of my "Vibrating Angels" (image shown at right) at an exhibition. Why? I'm guessing it was because Uncle Andy began his career drawing and painting cherubic characters for retail ad campaigns to sell handbags and shoes. But I'm just guessing. She may have just liked it. The Victorian ideal angel appeals to many people, for all different reasons. They appeal to me (in fact, they account for a large portion of my body of work). The examples you see on this site in the "Angels" category are among my most popular. Art speaks to people on visceral levels, which makes it challenging to put into words what it is about the work that makes it appealing to admirers..
So how do you purchase my photographs? Most of the images you see on this website are avaialble for purchase as unframed prints. If you are interested in any, please send me an email with your size request (mourningarts@yahoo.com).
Other Images:
I have many more images posted on various other sites. Please have a look. If you like something, just email me the link to the image and let me know what size print you are interested in. Its all rather informal, as I am not an eCommerce person - I am an artist and writer.
Social Media:
Ed Snyder's StoneAngels Photography Facebook page
Books by Ed Snyder:
I've also written two books, "Stone Angels" and "Digital Photography for the Impatient." Click here to read more about them.